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Join our AKID 1-Day Hackathon. Limited spots.

1-Day-Hackathon will be held at our new AccelerateKID Novi Center on Saturday, May 18th, from 9:00-5pm.

Join us for the AKID 1-Day Hackathon for a memorable experience! The theme is “Driving Innovation” and the event will teach 50 children ages 10-14 (5th to 8th graders) about computer science using JavaScript programming to produce an innovative app. No computer programming experience is needed. Kids will be in teams to design, develop, debug and demonstrate their final product for awesome prizes. We will provide lunch, t-shirts, goody bags and 1 FREE summer camp ticket for the kids to explore any TechEd camp. Our mission is to inspire the youth with entrepreneurship and TechEd to drive innovation!

Fee: $15/ per participant


Must RSVP below:


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