Hour of Code is Back!

It’s BACK! The Hour of Code workshops are here in honor of Computer Science Week to introduce kids to coding. AccelerateKID® and along with other supporting organizations will be providing an hour of coding workshops in schools for the month of December. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the computer and information technology field is expected to grow by 13% from 2016-2026faster than the average growth rate of all occupations. The fastest growing groups are female and underrepresented minorities. With your help, we can continue the growth by encouraging computer science in elementary and middle schools. You or a parent can request for a workshop to have our staff come out to teach coding in a fun and interactive environment using our unique AccelerateKID® STEM.org™ Accredited curriculum.

Students will debug and design their own app game using Javascript. It’s exciting and educational that will keep the students wanting more. To request for AccelerateKID® staff to come to your school, fill out the simple form and we will contact you immediately. See this inspirational video clip!


The “Hour of Code” workshop will have a minimal cost of $150 and pays for 1-hr of instructional time. The maximum class size will be 20 kids in grades 3-8. Classrooms should have desktops and/or laptops for kids to use, and a projector for instructors to teach.

Sign Up Your School For An Hour Of Code!

    Contact Name (required)

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    Contact Phone (required)

    School/Organization Name (required)

    School/Organization Address

    Grades 3rd-5thGrades 6th-8th

    Other Notes (include date/time range, if known)